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SAFEC : Winner of the prestigious Ville Saint-Laurent Chamber of Commerce Alpha Award

We are proud to announce that SAFEC has been chosen as the recipient of the prestigious Alpha award, in the "business services" category. The theme of this year’s contest was: "Virage vert…l’excellence".

The "Alpha Award" is organized annually by the Chamber of commerce and industry of Ville Saint-Laurent, and represents one of the most important recognition of merit events for businesses in Quebec. It is based on the recognition of the performance of businesses located in Saint-Laurent, Cartierville and Ville Mont-Royal, and is announced during the most important economic event in the territory, the Alpha Gala.

The finalists and the business community met last May 15th, at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Saint-Laurent, to celebrate excellence and to recognize the contribution of their businesses and their staff to the economy of Saint-Laurent, Cartierville and Ville Mont-Royal.

We at SAFEC would like to sincerely thank all the participants of the business community that were involved in the organization of this event, and more importantly, the members of the business jury that deemed SAFEC worthy of receiving this award.

Lastly, we would like to thank the participants who have stood by SAFEC in the last few years, our members and visitors, as well as all our partners and collaborators for their efforts, their support and their undying confidence. It is because of their comments and their constructive criticism, that SAFEC remains a tool of choice in the search of crucial information for the development of all Canadian enterprises.

By winning this award, we know that we have the recognition of our peers in the business community, which motivates us even more to reach our goals and objectives and to try to achieve excellence, while delivering quality service and support to our customers and partners.